Published Sunday, February 2nd, 2025
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Upcoming Meetings
ACW Meeting: Wednesday, February 5th - 7 pm at Parish Hall
Parish Council Meeting: Monday, March 24th - 7 pm at Parish Hall
We are looking for a Secretary and have multiple Member-at-large positions to fill. Please reach out to Susan Aulenback for more information or if you are interested in being on council.
Mid-winter Morning Prayer Service at St. Mark's
Sunday, February 9th at 9 am
Two Coves Cafe Open Every Thursday!
Two Coves Cafe offers FREE coffee, tea and muffins every Thursday from 9 am to 11 am at St. Luke's Parish Hall.
We welcome small groups who would like a place to meet. We will provide the refreshments. Please join us!
Open to All - Free of Charge
Tuesdays at 11:00 AM
St Luke's Parish Hall, 10 Shore Club Road, Hubbards, NS
For more information, please contact Jerry Cavanaugh
Jerry.thea@eastlink.ca or 902-497-8641
Looking for Volunteer Opportunities?
Here are some ways you can help us!
We a looking for a volunteer to be a SafeR Church representative for our parish. Please reach out to any parish council member for more details.
St. Luke's Parish is looking for a PWRDF Representative
Please reach out to Carol Simms for more details
Join or Form a St. Luke's Altar Guild Team
(Ideally 2 people per team for safety sake)
The more teams we have, the shorter each team has to serve.
Each team will serve for 1 month at a time
It takes (2 people) about 1/2 to 3/4 hours per week
Altar duties for 1 or 2 months of the year (do not have to be consecutive) include:
- Set-up for Holy Eucharist
- Changing Altar hangings/Vestments
- Cleaning dishes after Communion
- Replenish oil in Altar Candles as needed
- Laundry care for Altar linens
Contact Rev. Bill MacDonald for more info
Any Donations (including Memorial) can be Sent via e-transfer or by Mail
E-transfer Email: stlukesparishdonations@gmail.com
Mailing Address: #10 Shore Club Road, RR#2 Hubbards, NS, B0J1T0