St. Luke's Anglican Church Women Group
St. Luke's Anglican Church Women (ACW) provides an opportunity for women to be united in a fellowship of worship, learning, and offering with a view to deepen and strengthen their devotional life.
The ACW is very active in many aspects of parish life contributing financially through funds raised by them and in service through their many activities. Along with the four major fundraising events throughout the year, the ACW hosts funeral receptions and special receptions by request. The majority of these monies are used to support St. Luke's Parish in meeting its commitments as well as special, capital parish projects.
Members of the ACW also attend special events throughout the year including the World Day of Prayer, the Annual Regional Meeting as well as taking our turn in hosting these events. Women's Ministry Sunday is also held to recognise the many ways that Anglican Women live out God's mission in church. St. Luke's ACW also financially supports the Steven Lewis Foundation and the ACW Nova Scotia Board's Annual Project. The ACW supports the sick and shut-ins in our community including sending cards of get well wishes, providing annual Christmas baskets and hospital visits (with the generous support of Patchwork Pals who provide handmade comfort quilts).
St. Luke's ACW meets socially as a group at least twice annually. The ACW closing dinner is held each June where members get together for a lovely meal and time to socialize and celebrate another fulfilling year. Members also get together for an annual potluck Christmas social where the Christmas baskets are prepared by the group. The group meets approximately once a month at 7pm in St. Luke's Parish Hall.